Premium bitumen Market size

You should know bitumen which also referred to as solid hydrocarbon, is frequently observed through microscopic examination of kerogen and in contrast to vitrinite and liptinite, the premium bitumen is not a kerogen component but rather a product of generation from the kerogen that has flowed into pore spaces within mineral grains.

In addition, the reflectivity of solid bitumen increased with increasing maturity similar to vitrinite reflectivity, and while a number of workers in the field have proposed relationships to transfer solid bitumen reflectance to equivalent vitrinite reflectance.

Premium bitumen Market size

What is the meaning of 60 70 Bitumen?

What is the meaning of 60 70 Bitumen?

In fact, bitumen penetration grade 60/70 means the penetration value is in the range from 60 to 70 at standard test conditions in which basically used as a paving grade. Totaaly, bitumen is applicable for the production of hot mix asphalt for bases and pavements and for road construction and penetration grade bitumen supplied. meanwhile; this bitumen is produced through aeration on vacuum bottom in bitumen production units. Besides, Its penetration grade ( the measure of bitumen hardness) is between 60 to 70 and it is specified by the penetration and softening point test.besides, the penetration grade bitumen has a thermoplastic property which causes the material to soften at high temperatures and to harden at lower addition, this unique temperature-viscosity relationship is important when determining the performance parameters like the adhesion, rheology, durability and application temperatures of bitumen.

On the other hand, bitumen pit mode is so dependent on temperature and the temperature-vs-stiffness relationship of bitumen is normally dependent on the kind of crude oil and its refining method.

Global production of bitumen in recent years

Global production of bitumen in recent years

As a matter of fact, petroleum bitumen typically addressed bitumen or asphalt is produced by refining crude oil, and utilized as a binder in road-building products, it is so viscous, black or dark brown material. totally, the crude oil is pumped from storage tanks, in which it is kept at about 60°C, via a heat exchanger system where its temperature is increased to basically 200°C by exchanging heat gained from the cooling of newly produced products in the refining process. then crude is then further heated in a furnace to typically 300° C in which it is partly vaporized into an Atmospheric Distillation Column. 

In this item, the physical separation of the components occurs until the lighter components increase to the top and the heaviest components fall to the bottom of the column and pass through a second heat exchanger prior to treatment in a vacuum distillation column. Ultimately, Bitumen is obtained by vacuum distillation or vacuum flashing of atmospheric residue from the vacuum distillation column. generally, this process is known bitumen production by straight run vacuum distillation and in this process bitumen size of molecules is various.

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