Affordable prices of bitumen in the global market

 Bitumen is a dark-colored material that has high adhesion and impermeability to water. Iran is the largest producer of bitumen in the Middle East and in addition to meeting the needs of various domestic industries, exports various types of bitumen to different countries. This company has been able to achieve a good position in domestic and foreign markets by supplying various types of bitumen with the best quality. For information on affordable prices of bitumen, you can refer to the site of the supplier companies of this product.

Affordable prices of bitumen in the global market

Which is the most commonly used bitumen?

Which is the most commonly used bitumen? There are different types of bitumen, each of which has a specific application. The highest consumption of bitumen in the world is in road construction. Bitumen is used as one of the main constituents of asphalt. With the advancement of science and technology, bitumen has found a wide variety of applications in various industries and for different uses. . Although in today’s advanced world, the produced bitumen has a very high quality, after many years, the use of this precious material has the least change and as in the past, the highest use of bitumen is in the road construction and asphalt industry. Today, bitumen is used in various industries. Some of the uses of bitumen include:

  •  Agriculture
  •  Construction
  •  Oil and gas industry
  •  Road Construction
  • automobile manufacturing
  • Paint production
  • Casting of metals

The highest amount of bitumen uses is in the road construction and insulation industry and the production of waterproofing. More than 7 types of bitumen are produced all over the world, which are used depending on the climate and conditions of the region. 85/100 bitumen is used in cold regions and 60/70 bitumen is used in tropical regions. Since the price of natural bitumen is reasonable, it can be economical to provide modified bitumen. Modified bitumens are more resistant to climate change and have excellent adhesion. Modified bitumen in areas with high rainfall plays an important role in increasing the life of road asphalt.

Rational price for bitumen in 2020

Rational price for bitumen in 2020  Bitumen is a dense, highly viscous, high molecular weight hydrocarbon material that contains oils, resins, and asphaltene. The presence of 5 to 30% asphaltene in bitumen causes the bitumen to harden.  There are different types of bitumen and each of these bitumens has different characteristics and applications. These bitumens are usually produced in refineries and from crude oil refining. This company is one of the largest and most reputable suppliers of bitumen in the country, which meets the needs of domestic industries by offering the best bitumen. To know the bitumen price and buy different types of bitumen with the best quality and the most appropriate price, you can refer to the company’s website.

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