Bitumen global price in recent years

Bitumen global price can be affected by various factors, however, the most important factors affecting bitumen price in global markets are the global price of crude oil and then the production and supply of bitumen. So that in different seasons of the year, the price of bitumen will change due to the decrease or increase in demand. In addition to the above, there are other factors that affect the price of bitumen in global markets. These factors have a great impact on the global price of Bitumen. On the other hand, bitumen purity, type of packaging, shipping cost are some of the factors affecting the bitumen price in global markets.

Bitumen global price in recent years

What is viscosity of bitumen?

What is viscosity of bitumen? Bitumen has different types and grades depending on the composition, production method, and different characteristics. Experiments performed on different types of bitumen determine the type of bitumen and the properties of bitumen, such as the degree of viscosity or viscosity of the bitumen. These tests determine what types of bitumen are suitable for what area, with what weather conditions, and for what purpose. The purpose of the viscosity test is to determine the desired viscosity or viscosity of the bitumen.

(Viscosity Grade Bitumen) Used for road construction, asphalt, paving of streets and sidewalks. (Viscosity Grade Bitumen) is most used in making hot asphalt. This type of bitumen has thermoplastic properties. The thermoplastic property (Viscosity Grade Bitumen) makes this bitumen hard in cold weather and soft in hot weather. The thermoplastic property (Viscosity Grade Bitumen) makes this bitumen more durable for road construction. (Viscosity Grade Bitumen) has different grades; These grades are defined according to the standard ASTM system. According to the latest ASTM standard declaration, (Viscosity Grade Bitumen) is produced in three grades.

  • Viscosity Grade Bitumen VG-10
  • Viscosity Grade Bitumen VG-30
  • Viscosity Grade Bitumen VG-40

VG10 bitumen with a permeability of 100/80 is used by spraying to cover surfaces and roads. This type of bitumen is used in the production of emulsions and modified bitumen products. VG30 bitumen is mostly used for road construction, insulation, and production of liquid bitumen. VG30 bitumen is very suitable for temperate climates and can be used instead of bitumen with a permeability of 60/70. In high-pressure areas such as intersections, highways near tolls, and truck parking lots, VG 40 bitumen with a permeability of 40/50 is used instead of regular bitumen.

Global price of Bitumen in 2020

Global price of Bitumen in 2020 With the expansion of cities and the rapid growth of road construction and highway construction in various countries, the global demand for bitumen has increased significantly. The value of bitumen trading will reach $ 93 billion in 2020 due to the increase in bitumen consumption worldwide. Meanwhile, some other reputable companies involved in the trade of petroleum products and bitumen have predicted that the value of bitumen trading in 2020 will be $ 95 billion. bitumen trading brings good profitability to the countries exporting this product. This company is one of the largest bitumen suppliers in the country that supplies various types of bitumen with the best quality to domestic and foreign markets. For information on the Global price of Bitumen in 2020 and to buy bitumen with the best quality and the most appropriate price, visit this site.

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