Bitumen Producers on the market

Bitumen Producers on the market is obtained from the distillation and refining of certain crude oil that remains at the bottom of the refining vessel and is offered to the market at a reasonable price. Its specific gravity is 1 to 1.3 and its melting point (140-110) degrees Celsius. This substance is also found naturally in some parts of the world. Bitumen is formed by the seepage of crude oil out of the pores and crevices of the earth’s surface and the evaporation of light oil components. It was this bitumen that was used for a long time, especially in Iran and Mesopotamia, as mortar in buildings and pools or other gases.

Bitumen Producers on the market

What is bitumen grade?

What is bitumen grade?

Types of bitumen are made of pure bitumen with a penetration of 20.20 to 500.00 and even mixed bitumen is used in the preparation of emulsions. Traditional bitumens are usually difficult to emulate and on the other hand, the consumption of such emulsions is more industrial. has it . However, emulsions made from bitumen with a penetration of 210/190 or 320/280 are widely used in road construction.

Penetration Index or Bitumen PI (Penetration Index)

Degree of penetration is the penetration depth of a rod in the shape and weight of a person that sinks in the bitumen at a certain temperature and time. The test rod is a cylinder with a hemispherical base weighing a total of 100 grams. Test duration is 5 seconds and temperature is 25 ° C. For every 0.1 mm of depression, it is equal to one degree of penetration. The degree of penetration is a criterion for the hardness of bitumen. The degree of penetration of 10 for hard bitumen is 15 to 40 for roofs and up to 100 and more for items such as moisture insulation.

In order to compare the sensitivity of bitumens to temperature changes, a softness test is performed. Bitumen with a higher degree of softness is less sensitive to temperature changes and its degree of penetration or sluggishness changes less. In the case of blown bitumens, due to the type of application, they should be less sensitive to changes in ambient temperature. The degree of softness of blown bitumens is one of their characteristic features and they are classified accordingly.

More or less bitumen in the ring, more or less the rate of increase of temperature than the standard value, impact with the test vessel, not enough bitumen in a container of water at 5 degrees Celsius. In addition to the above, problems with devices such as thermometers can also affect the results.

In general, it can be said that all bitumens reach a certain viscosity at this temperature. Based on the experimental studies that have been done, it has been determined that the degree of penetration of all bitumens will be equal to 800 if the degree of penetration is tested at a temperature equal to their degree of softness. Using this information, a parameter called penetration signal is defined, which is a function of the degree of penetration and the degree of softness of the bitumen. For more information about bitumen price visit our site.

main producers of bitumen in 2020

main producers of bitumen in 2020

The main producers of bitumen in 2020 resulted in astonishing mutations in non-fuel cases. So that today the petrochemical industry has a fundamental role in meeting the general needs of society. Most scientists consider the origin of oil to be plants and organic organisms in the early oceans. The remains of animals and plants that lived in the sea millions of years ago have been buried for millions of years by mudflats and sediments and have been converted to oil under high pressure and temperature, lack of oxygen and for a long time. Proper reservoir, large amounts of oil accumulate in the oil tank. Therefore, bitumen trading is profitable and very prosperous for any country.

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