Bitumen suppliers on the market

Because Bitumen suppliers on the market produce from two to 20 tons of sludge depending on their production, which is highly polluting and should not enter the environment. This sludge has been collected in ponds in the country for the last 30 years and has now become a suitable raw material for bitumen production. Oil refineries have a lot of problems with storing this sludge and can not enter it into the environment as industrial effluent. We now have the ability to mix this sludge in a large decontamination process in large reactors, add special additives to it and finally Produce bitumen by gasping from it. 

Bitumen suppliers on the market

Which bitumen is used in rainy areas?

Which bitumen is used in rainy areas?

Using vacuum shock method, the researchers succeeded in optimizing the rheological and mechanical properties of modified bitumen, which is one of the most suitable bitumen for cold and tropical asphalt. Ordinary bitumen that is currently used in the country in tropical areas due to high temperatures It melts during the day and deforms at night after cooling 

In cold regions, cracking and brittleness due to bitumen hardening are common causes and causes of premature asphalt failure 

The vacuum shock method for bitumen production, first developed by the same research team, was published in Composites Part in 2016, and part of the research results are in The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials, which is one of the world-class journals.

The amount of bitumen used is delayed between 0.8 to 2 kg / m2 due to the porosity of the base crust . The application of penetration coating should be done when the air is not rainy and foggy and the road surface is dry and has a slight moisture .

Surface coating or single coat: A thin layer of high permeability bitumen or pure bitumen emulsion or bitumen that is placed between two layers of top or topka and the layer of primer or binder so that the two layers of asphalt adhere well to each other to which the surface coating It is called a single coat. The amount of this coating is always between 0.20.6 kg per square meter is variable. For more information about  bitumen price list 2020 visit our website.

Major bitumen suppliers in 2020

Major bitumen suppliers in 2020

The bitumen company produces pure bitumen from special oils or minerals, which is classified according to the origin of the formation. The pure bitumens that our company produces are subjected to other processes in order to find the desired properties for different applications and form different types of bitumen (including blown bitumen, soluble bitumen, emulsion bitumen, polymer bitumen, etc.). Therefore, our production group, which is one of the Major bitumen suppliers in 2020, exports this product to other countries at a reasonable and affordable price.

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