Bitumen Wholesalers in 2020

Petroleum bitumen is one of the most famous and of course the most expensive bitumen produced in the Iranian market. Production of various types of petroleum bitumen in the Iranian market is compared to bitumen of other manufacturing companies. Competitive prices of these brands in the Iranian market have caused many customers to try to buy these two products. Do not worry about the price.

Bitumen Wholesalers in 2020

Is bitumen solid or liquid?

Is bitumen solid or liquid? Bitumen is a hydrocarbon black to dark brown in color that dissolves completely in carbon sulfide and carbon tetrachloride. Bitumen is solid at ambient temperature. But as the temperature rises, it becomes a paste and then liquefies. The important use of bitumen is due to the existence of two important properties of this material; Waterproof and sticky.

Bitumen extracted from oil or special minerals is called pure bitumen, which is classified according to the origin of the formation. Pure bitumen are also subjected to other processes to find the desired properties for different applications and form different types of bitumen (including blown bitumen, soluble bitumen, emulsion bitumen, polymer bitumen, etc.).

Bitumen is usually obtained by distilling crude oil. Such bitumen is called petroleum bitumen or distilled bitumen.

However, some types of bitumen are obtained in nature due to the gradual conversion of crude oil and the evaporation of its volatiles over many years. Such bitumen is called natural bitumen and it is more durable than oil bitumen. bitumen manufacturers export their product to different countries.

Mixed bitumen is a mixture of bitumen and a suitable solvent (eg kerosene or gasoline). This bitumen is liquid at room temperature or liquefies with low heat. 

Bulk shopping of bitumen in 2020

Bulk shopping of bitumen in 2020 Bitumen produced in Iran are among the best bitumen products in the Middle East market. Buying and selling different types of bitumen in the Iranian market is easily possible.

 Many customers have poor access to bitumen. For this purpose, the best products can be obtained through the companies that supply this product.

Iranian companies are one of the largest companies producing and exporting bitumen throughout the export markets.

 This company has been able to bring the best results for customers with its large export volume and extensive sales in the Iranian market. bitumen suppliers produce different types of this product.

The following communication channels will help you to buy the best bitumen samples throughout Iran. Petroleum bitumen is one of the best oil samples produced in the Iranian market. Buying and selling different types of bitumen in the Iranian market is done through the largest brokerages in the stock exchange and the most reputable bitumen production company in Iran.

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