Domestic production for bitumen in 2020

Pure bitumen is bitumen that is extracted from oil or special minerals. Depending on the source of extraction, it falls into different categories. However, after the extraction process, pure bitumen must be subjected to various processes in order to be usable. These processes convert different types of bitumen into different forms of blown bitumen, soluble bitumen, non-emulsion, polymer bitumen and so on. For more information about  Domestic production for bitumen in 2020, you can visit our company website and contact our experts in this field.

Domestic production for bitumen in 2020

Is bitumen paint waterproof?

Is bitumen paint waterproof?

Colored bitumen due to the use of polymer has better properties than ordinary black bitumen, so that it is more resistant to heat and cold, and thus improves the performance of the asphalt layer.

In many countries today, different sections of highways are marked with colored asphalt, and instead of painting, such bitumen containing various mineral pigments, including titanium dioxide, is used.

  best quality bitumen is obtained by mixing bitumen with pigments. These pigments are divided into two categories, organic and inorganic. Inorganic pigments such as iron oxide, chromium oxide, titanium dioxide and mixed pigments (such as cobalt blue) are suitable for coloring bituminous mixtures. These pigments are stable in all climatic conditions, but organic pigments extracted from insects and plants are unstable to heat and unstable weather conditions and unsuitable for mixing with bitumen.

The most important type of organic pigment is called azo pigment, which is made up of aromatic hydrocarbons.

Iron oxide is one of the most common inorganic pigments and is divided into two types, natural and synthetic. The natural type is in the range of yellow, light red, brown, greenish browns, and deep browns, and the synthetic type is in the range of yellow and red to black and brown colors.

The bitumen used also plays an important role in the production of the color mixture, and red iron oxide and green chromium oxide are often used for it. Clear colors can only be used on pale colorless binders. These binders do not contain asphalt and have high pigmentability. Basically, with these binders, more diverse colors can be obtained by using yellow, brown and black iron oxide and green chromium oxide. Of course, as long as they have good thermal resistance. At temperatures above 180 ° C, yellow and black iron oxides are converted to red iron oxides. It should be noted that the mixing temperature is usually more than 180 degrees Celsius. Zinc ferrite products with high thermal resistance are also used for yellow and a mixture of manganese and iron oxides for brown and gray colors.

It is noteworthy that the thermal resistance of pigments such as red iron oxide, green chromium oxide and titanium dioxide is suitable for the production of colored asphalt mixtures in road construction. Titanium dioxide is one of the most common inorganic pigments with a high refractive index that produces white color and its pigments are morphologically in the form of anatase and rutile.

In general, red iron oxide is the most suitable pigment for bituminous mixtures, but with asphalt-free bitumen, a wider range of colors, from yellow to blue, is available.

Domestic demand for bitumen in 2020

Domestic demand for bitumen in 2020

Classification or grading of solid bitumens is based on characteristics such as permeability, oxidation, viscosity or viscosity and performance. Therefore, Domestic demand for bitumen in 2020 is accompanied by a lot of growth that you can get the necessary information in this field by visiting our site. Also, for more information about bitumen suppliers uk, you can talk to our experts and specialists.

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