Exporting Countries of bitumen in the global market

 Iran is the fourth largest producer and the third largest exporter of bitumen in the world, and the bitumen production of Iranian refineries has always been considered as the highest quality bitumen in the world, which has provided the basis for high exports, so that we see annual exports of one billion dollars of bitumen to India and South Korea. Exporting Countries of bitumen export different types of this product to other countries.

Exporting Countries of bitumen in the global market

What is the viscosity of bitumen?

What is the viscosity of bitumen? Viscosity Grade Bitumen:

This type of bitumen with a suitable grade is used for road construction, asphalt, street paving and sidewalks. Viscosity bitumen, which is most used in making hot asphalt, is a refinery bitumen that is produced by supporting vacuum baton in the distillation tower. This type of bitumen has a thermoplastic property, a property that keeps this material in cold, hard and hard weather and softens in hot air.

This feature makes the combination of viscosity bitumen with other materials to make the road more durable. This type of bitumen is now very popular in India and due to the accuracy used in its grading, it is preferred to penetrating bitumen (Penetration).

Bitumen has different viscosities; These categories are defined according to the standard ASTM system. The ASTM standard defines and introduces these categories using methods such as D3381-09 and AASHTO M226-8.

According to the latest ASTM standard declaration, viscosity bitumen is produced in three categories.

1- Viscosity Grade Bitumen VG-10; Viscosity bitumen with grade 10

VG10 bitumen with a permeability of 100/80 is used by spraying to cover surfaces and roads.

2- Viscosity Grade Bitumen VG-30; Viscosity bitumen with grade 30

VG30 grade viscosity bitumen is used to make super heavy bitumen sidewalks.

3- Viscosity Grade Bitumen VG-40; Viscosity bitumen with grade 40

In areas of high pressure, such as intersections, highways near tolls, and truck parking lots, VG 40 bitumen with a permeability of 40/50 is used instead of old bitumen. bitumen sellers sell different types of this product.

Major exporting countries for bitumen in 2020

Major exporting countries for bitumen in 2020 Major quality bitumen mine is one of the best choices of traders in buying and selling this special product. Very special samples of bitumen types are produced and supplied in the markets of Iran, and most of the volume of bitumen supplied in the Iranian market is from the mines producing this product. The major bitumen mine in the market of our country has been able to bring good exports.

Exports that will bring the best returns for traders in the currency and economy sectors and provide good results for the country.

The bitumen export method produced in Iran is of great value. A large number of customers are looking to buy Iranian bitumen. The quality of this product is one of the reasons for its very high purchase. bitumen price per ton is determined according to its quality.

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