First rate bitumen Domestic production

First rate bitumen Domestic production is produced with special devices and bitumen is a kind of moisture insulation that is obtained from petroleum products and specifically from first-class raw materials. The main purpose of using this type of insulation is to prevent the penetration of moisture and humidity to various surfaces, including the roof, bathroom, and pool. The manufacturer of this equipment uses the latest knowledge and new sciences for construction and design.

First rate bitumen Domestic production

How flammable is bitumen?

How flammable is bitumen? The degree of ignition of bitumen refers to the temperature at which, when the temperature of bitumen reaches it, a spark is seen on its surface as the flame approaches its free surface. As you know, pure bitumen, tar and their mixtures are flammable; Therefore, we need to know how much temperature we can heat the bitumen we work with, without the bitumen igniting or burning. This is very important in terms of safety in the workshop and laboratory, and if you do not pay attention to this, it can be dangerous.

The purpose of the ignition temperature test is to determine the temperature at which the bitumen ignites and also to determine the temperature at which the bitumen burns. It should be noted that all people who deal with bitumen should be well aware of the degree of ignition of the bitumen they work with to avoid the possible dangers of ignition of bitumen due to overheating in workshops.

Domestic demand for bitumen in 2020

Domestic demand for bitumen in 2020 Domestic demand for bitumen in 2020 is very high and the distribution of multilayer bitumen is done by the manufacturer in different quantities. In areas such as northern Iran, which are exposed to continuous rain, the use and purchase of this equipment in all seasons are inevitable.

Therefore, for such areas, there is a constant demand for bitumen trading, and the distribution network in this field, using computer software and a specific schedule, distributes various types of isogram. For other cities, in the cold seasons of the year when the amount of rainfall increases, the distribution of bitumen is associated with high demand. Meanwhile, in the construction sector, bitumen is distributed to secure different spaces in one space, and the bitumen price is very suitable.

In this way, in different places that need to stay away from contact with any moisture and humidity can be achieved by using multi-layered bitumen. Regarding the use and selection of bitumen, it is better for buyers to receive the necessary information from the seller or manufacturer to use the best sample of this equipment for a specific use.

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