Global production of bitumen in the global market

Global production of bitumen in the global market is done by reputable manufacturers and soluble bitumens are obtained by dissolving bitumen in solvents or petroleum oils. The type and quality of soluble bitumens depend on the quality of the bitumens, the type of solvent and the amount of solvent. The higher the number of petroleum solvents in the bitumen solution, the greater its fluidity. Lack of access to bitumen heating equipment, decomposition of bitumen at high temperatures, cooling of bitumen during operation, inability to penetrate porous minerals, fire, and time spent in some cases use soluble bitumen.

Global production of bitumen in the global market

Does bitumen protect wood?

Does bitumen protect wood? It is enough to spray bitumen to the desired surface with a spray, without heating, on the desired surface, wall, ceiling, roof, floor and wall of the pool, bathroom floor and spread it on the surface with a broom which dries very quickly and Because it seals the surface well, it is much cheaper than MC solution bitumen.

Today, various manufacturers use different materials, modern equipment, and experienced forces to produce different types of bitumen, one of the best-selling products is wicker mats. To buy such models, you should go to several vendors that also operate in the market and offer different brands, and buy the best brands. To buy different models of quality bitumen, you can refer to its direct sales centers and agencies across the country or buy it online. Online stores are always open to visitors and offer good services, which is a great advantage.

Global demand for bitumen in the global market

Global demand for bitumen in the global market Global demand for bitumen in the global market is very high and the emulsion bitumen production process is by no means smoky, while the soluble bitumen production process is highly smoky and air polluting.

Bitumen mining only reaches a temperature of 160 degrees Celsius once in the production process, and other steps, including storage, transportation or spraying, require almost no heat or a temperature between 20 and 60 degrees Celsius; While the soluble bitumen, both in the production process, during transportation and during spraying, to dilute, it must reach a temperature of 120 to 160 degrees Celsius. Hence, the material resulting from the emulsion bitumen failure will be the same as the base bitumen used, while the material left over from the dissolved bitumen fracture is very different from the initial base bitumen.

 During failure, this amount of oil enters the ground or air and, as a result, pollutes the environment and, in addition to being toxic, our national capital and our future are easily destroyed. bitumen temperature range penetrates well on the surface due to high fluidity; While the solubility of soluble bitumen is more than emulsion bitumen. In order to reduce the cost of soluble bitumen, it is necessary to add oil and gasoline to it, which increases the severity of damage to the environment. Emulsion bitumen can also be used on wet pavements, while the surface must be completely dry to use soluble bitumen.

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