High grade bitumen affordable prices in 2020

Buyers of quality bitumen In the first stage to consider the quality and quality of the product first of all, buyers always apply some sensitivity to their products. The selling price of bitumen is very important for the consumption of this product in asphalting and production of other products related to petroleum products. Existing analyzes of bitumen produced in Iran have been able to introduce this product as the main bitumen in the world. Buy high grade bitumen from its dealers.


 High grade bitumen affordable prices in 2020

How many types of bitumen are there?

How many types of bitumen are there? There are two main types of bitumen used in road construction. If it is obtained from the mine, it is called natural or mineral bitumen, and if it is obtained from the refining of crude oil, it is called petroleum bitumen.

Types of petroleum bitumen:

A) Pure bitumen:

During the distillation of crude oil, lighter oils evaporate at lower temperatures, and heavier oils are separated as the temperature rises.

 Soluble bitumen:

Soluble bitumen, or back bitumen, is obtained by dissolving pure bitumen in solvents or petroleum oils. The type and quality of soluble bitumen depends on the quality of the original pure bitumen, the type and amount of solvent.

Soluble bitumen are divided into three groups based on the setting speed and the type of solvent:

1) Quick bitumen:

If gasoline is used to dissolve pure bitumen, soluble bitumen is called quick-setting. Instant bitumen in terms of psychic intensity, in four types of RC-70, RC-250, RC-800, RC-3000, which have the suffix numbers of bitumen condensation in terms of centimeters.

2) Slow bitumen:

Slow bitumen is prepared by dissolving pure bitumen in kerosene. Slow-moving bitumen are classified into five types, whose mental slowness varies from at least 60 to 6000 ° C at 60 ° C.

3) Delayed bitumen:

In addition to dissolving pure bitumen in oils and petroleum retardants such as diesel or black oil, retardant soluble bitumen can be obtained directly from crude oil distillation, such as pure bitumen.

Rational price for bitumen in 2020

Rational price for bitumen in 2020 Types of bitumen are produced from a mixture of petroleum materials and after packaging in export barrels, bitumen is provided to customers. The price of bitumen in barrel packaging or bulk sale of export bitumen in Iran can be very different. bitumen trading is very widespread today.

Bitumen buyers in the market for the sale of this product are looking for a very reasonable daily price of bitumen. In this regard, the largest producer and exporter of bitumen in Iran through the site of bitumen maker has been able to provide the best services for customers. bitumen price is determined according to its type.

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