High grade bitumen for sale on the market

The mixture of two raw materials, vacuum baton and vacuum slag, is aerated in bitumen production reactors under our special pressure and temperature between 200 and 300 degrees Celsius to combine the hydrogen atoms in bitumen molecules with air oxygen and create heavier hydrocarbons by polymerization reactions. It has a lower degree of penetration and a softer point than the original pure bitumen. This type of bitumen has a softness of 90 and a permeability of 15. Therefore, our collection produces high grade bitumen for sale on the market, which also has an affordable price.

High grade bitumen for sale on the market

What is natural bitumen?

What is natural bitumen?

Pure bitumen or natural bitumen is the residual refining of crude oil. It is horny in the cold, it hardens, becomes doughy, loose and watery with increasing temperature. Pure bitumen is used to make hot, hot black surfaces. Therefore, hot black surface should be made in hot and dry weather. In cold weather and cold rock, hot watery pure bitumen does not lubricate the stone grains well and rubs against them, reducing the adhesion of the rocks to each other. To coat the stone with pure bitumen, the bitumen and stone must be heated to 130 to 170 degrees.

If we assume that bitumen is used for insulation and roads in all parts of Iran, and also if we note that our country has a different climate so that summers in southern areas such as Khuzestan in the heat to about 50 degrees Celsius It gets cold and in winter in some parts of the north or west of our country, the cold reaches about 30 degrees below zero.

It becomes clear that the consumption of a kind of bitumen in different parts of our country is not correct. It is not in Khuzestan province or, for example, bitumen whose fragility appears at temperatures of 4 to 5 below zero can not be used in Hamedan province because in the cold of that province it is crushed in the first winter and loses its properties .

 In this regard, refined bitumens are named according to their properties and they are usually identified by two numbers, such as 10-20 / 20-30 / 30-40 / 40-50 / 70-60 / 15-95 / 80 bitumens. -100 / 100-120 / 150-130 / 180-200-200 / 220-250 / 320-380 which is used in most buildings of 70-60 and 15-95 bitumens and is known as loose and hard bitumen and the rest of the bitumens in Road construction or industries used.

Each of these bitumens has special characteristics such as degree of ignition – degree of penetration – in the direction of softness – in the direction of dripping – degree of fracture – angularity – and finally the degree of specific concentration. Iranian standard and industrial research has been standardized. Visit our site for more information on bitumen demand.

Purchase top grade bitumen in bulk

Purchase top grade bitumen in bulk

largest bitumen suppliers usually obtain bitumen from the distillation of crude oil. Such bitumen is called petroleum bitumen or distilled bitumen. Petroleum bitumen is the product of two stages of crude oil distillation in the distillation tower. In the first stage of distillation, light materials such as gasoline and propane are separated from crude oil. This process takes place at a pressure close to one atmosphere (units). Therefore, it is better to refer to the website of our company Purchase top grade bitumen in bulk.

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