High grade bitumen for sale

The price list of high grade bitumen types can be obtained by visiting the market and the websites active in this field and viewing the different models of this bitumen. The sellers of this bitumen try to lower the price of this bitumen and satisfy the customers by directly offering the products from the factory to the customers. We can get the bitumen price list through store sites that distribute bitumen directly and indirectly throughout the country. 

High grade bitumen for sale

What is bitumen used for?

What is bitumen used for? Although the bitumens produced today are of very high quality, the basics of their use, as in the past, include sealing, adhesion, and the provision of protective coatings. Today, more than 250 different applications for bitumen are considered in agriculture, construction, industry, road construction, and many more. In this section, we will use different types of bitumen in different applications.

Most of the bitumen produced in Iran and the world, which is known as natural bitumen, is used in road construction. In road construction, bitumen is used as an adhesive for asphalt and the use of bitumen in the construction industry as roof insulation is second.

Estimates show that the consumption of bitumen in the world is about 102 million tons per year. Of this amount, about 85% of the bitumen produced is used in the road construction industry, and among these, 70.60 bitumen is the most used, more than 10% of the natural bitumen produced in the world is used in the construction industry and as insulation. The rest is used for sealing, insulation, pipe coating and so on.

Purchase bitumen at reasonable price

Purchase bitumen at reasonable price The cost of buying a bitumen varies from market to market. In some markets, bitumens reach customers directly, and in others, bitumen markets reach customers after passing through several intermediaries. So the bitumen price per ton of bitumen varies in different cities, countries, and markets. Other factors that affect the price of bitumen include the bitumen brand and the seller.

Reputable bitumen sellers usually have higher prices and naturally offer better quality than the bitumen. So if you are looking to buy bitumen at a reasonable price and good quality, you should go to the main bitumen sales centers. Some bitumen dealers give special conditions and discounts to their regular customers to encourage them to buy bitumen again from this brand.

bitumen buyers are from different walks of life. Therefore, bitumen should be marketed at different prices so that bitumen buyers can buy bitumen with different budgets. The bitumens on the market are divided into different categories in terms of price. For those looking for cheap bitumen, there is also bitumen on the market. Higher priced bitumens are usually of good quality and are made of better quality materials. 

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