Highest quality bitumen Company

Iranian bitumen companies are reputable brands in the market for buying and selling different types of bitumen. These samples of bitumen are offered in the current markets of the country at special prices and will bring special markets. This sample of bitumen produced in Iran has been offered to customers as the main and best quality bitumen samples and has greatly expanded the efficiency of buying and selling. Export of this product is one of the very strong and suitable areas for the Iranian market. Highest quality bitumen is produced by reputable companies.

Highest quality bitumen Company

What is difference between bitumen and tar?

What is difference between bitumen and tar? Tar bitumen: This type of bitumen is used in places where there is a possibility of spillage of solvent or fuel due to its long durability and ineffectiveness of solvents. They are known by name. Because the source of this type of bitumen is different from petroleum bitumen, it has a different chemical composition and physical properties, which results in different behavior during use (a type of vapors emitted) and performance during operation.

Tar is a general term for liquids that come from burning natural organic materials such as wood or coal and their destructive distillation in the absence of air. Two types of coal tar can be prepared according to the type of process of burning or carbonizing coal.

In the era of the European Industrial Revolution, coal was the main source of energy for industry, and for this reason, bitumen and pitch were produced in large quantities, but after the emergence of gas and oil resources, coal was abandoned and its consumption was greatly reduced. Today, 90% of tar and Pitch products are used in the following four applications:

  • Road Tar
  • Briquetting
  • Electrode Binder
  • Pipe Enamels.

A mixture of oil and tar bitumen is also used before. Tarred materials in the molten state release dangerous polycyclic aromatic substances into the air. By using bitumen, these dangers are eliminated and instead, the very high resistance of tar materials to environmental factors and their excellent adhesion will give them a protective coating of bitumen. bitumen uses are very widespread today.

Main company for producing bitumen in 2020

Main company for producing bitumen in 2020 Major exports of bitumen at cheap prices have been done by Iran and have provided a large number of customers for the market for buying and selling bitumen.

 Iranian bitumen is supplied to certain countries and has been able to get good feedback. Export of bitumen to Pakistan or other Asian countries from Iran has been able to bring a large volume of oil exports annually. In this regard, the most reputable and largest supplier of this product in the Iranian market will provide very special samples of this product in bulk and packaging for buyers.

In the meantime, consultants for buying and selling different types of Iranian bitumen can provide the necessary guidance for buyers and consumers. In this way, it is possible to have extensive activities in the large markets of Iran.

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