Highest quality bitumen to export abroad

Export bitumens have the highest quality compared to ordinary bitumens Also these bitumens are exported to other countries by top and reputable exporters and there are many ways to export this type of bitumen, export bitumens have a reasonable price and exporters From the export of these bitumens, they can gain a lot and improve their position and at the same time, they can expand and increase their exports, highest quality bitumen is bought and sold in Iran.

Highest quality bitumen to export abroad

At what temperature does bitumen melt?

At what temperature does bitumen melt? Bitumens are one of the most important materials that have many and wide applications in daily life. This type of bitumen can be used in the production of asphalt, isogam, and even other insulation, but the most important point is that bitumen It has a higher melting point than other materials and one is an important point.

In general, bitumen is solid in the open air, suitable for this type of bitumen is because its molecules are very dense and the density of their molecules increases their adhesion and therefore this type of bitumen in the air Azad solidifies at the highest rate but to produce bitumen and to use bitumen, they must first be melted and there are many grades for melting them.

To use bitumen in isogum, only a gas heat is needed to melt the isogum layer in which bitumen is present and then attribute the bitumen, There are more other uses.

To produce bitumen also requires a lot of heat and this heat is supplied by a lot of energy, which is done under large boilers.

Bitumens should be melted and then they can be used easily, bitumen size of molecules Depending on the type of bitumen, the bitumen pit is very wide and is part of the production process but the important point This is where bitumens come in many forms and the melting points of each are different and having information about their melting points is very important and necessary for buyers and can help these buyers in choosing bitumen. .

Exporting types of bitumen in 2020

Exporting types of bitumen in 2020 The export of bitumen in 2020 is very wide, this export is done by top and reputable exporters and this is a very important point, there are different types of bitumen and their export is done in several ways.

One of the methods of exporting this type of bitumen is by land, land routes can have lower transportation costs than sea routes but sea routes can also be the best method for export in times of need.

Exporters of this type of bitumen first buy bitumen from manufacturers and then export these bitumens to other countries Also these exporters can increase their profits by increasing the export of this bitumen.

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