Latest bitumen prices in recent years

Bitumen as a derivative of crude oil is obtained after two-stage refining of crude oil in refineries and has high adhesion and impermeability. There are different types of bitumen, each of which has a specific application. For information on the latest bitumen prices and to buy types of bitumen with the best quality and the most appropriate price, you can refer to Bitumen sales centers across the country.

Latest bitumen prices in recent years

What is specific gravity of bitumen?

What is specific gravity of bitumen?  Bitumen is solid at ambient temperature, but as the temperature rises, it becomes a paste and then liquefies. The specific gravity of bitumen is the ratio of the weight of a certain volume of bitumen to the weight of water at the same temperature. There are several methods for determining the specific gravity of bitumen, all of which are based on Archimedes’ law. The specific gravity of some bitumens is:

  • The specific weight of bitumen 40/30: 1.01 / 1.06__ D.70
  • The specific gravity of bitumen 50/40:   1.01-1.06 D.70
  • The specific weight of bitumen 70/50:  1.01 / 1.06 D.70
  • The specific weight of bitumen 70/60:  1.01-1.06 D.70
  • The specific gravity of bitumen 100/80:  1.00 / 1.05 D.70
  • The specific weight of bitumen 120/100:  1.01-1.04 D.70

 Bitumen is a derivative of crude oil and is a dense, highly viscous, high-molecular-weight hydrocarbon that contains oils, resins, and asphaltene. The presence of 5 to 30% asphaltene in bitumen causes the bitumen to harden. There are different types of bitumen, each of which has a specific application. There are different types of bitumen and each of these bitumens has different characteristics and applications. These bitumens are usually produced in refineries and from crude oil refining.

Latest price of Bitumen in 2020

Latest price of Bitumen in 2020 With the discovery and refining of crude oil and the production of petroleum derivatives such as bitumen from crude oil, it became possible to make extensive use of bitumen in road construction. In the late nineteenth century, the use of bitumen for road construction became popular. Bitumen-made asphalt today provides very smooth and safe roads for light and heavy vehicles and quality runways for landing and take-off of aircraft and even excellent rail infrastructure for trains.

 The expansion of cities and the rapid growth of road construction and highway construction in different countries has increased bitumen demand around the world. The highest amount of bitumen consumption in the world is in road construction and 90% of the total bitumen produced in the world is used in road construction. With the advancement of science and technology, bitumen has found a wide variety of applications in various industries and for different uses. This company is one of the largest bitumen suppliers in the country that supplies various types of bitumen with the best quality to domestic and foreign markets. For information on the Latest price of Bitumen in 2020 and to buy bitumen with the best quality and the most appropriate price, refer to this site.

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