Manufacturer producer bitumen in recent years

This Manufacturer bitumen is one of the suppliers and exporters of bitumen in Iran. During the past years, this company has been able to occupy a good position in the domestic and foreign markets by producing and selling various types of quality bitumen. The company exports bitumen in metal barrels to global markets. This Manufacturer producer bitumen offers different grades of bitumen to the market as soon as possible with the best quality and the most appropriate price.

Manufacturer producer bitumen in recent years

Is bitumen crude oil?

Is bitumen crude oil? Bitumen is a material with high viscosity that has a black or brown color and is obtained from crude oil. Bitumen is also known as asphalt in some countries. Bitumen may be naturally present in nature or obtained from the refining of crude oil during the refining process. Bitumens used to produce and execute different types of asphalt have different temperatures and temperatures. Bitumen temperature range for cold asphalt production also differs depending on whether the asphalt is factory-made or locally produced. As a result, the choice of bitumen and bitumen temperature range affects its efficiency during operation and the final result.

 Bitumen is mostly used in the road construction industry, which is mixed with sand particles as a binder and is used to make road surfaces. Another use of bitumen is to make waterproof products used in various industries. From the types of bitumen, we can mention the following bitumens, each of which has its own characteristics and manufacturing conditions.

  • Refinery bitumen
  •  Pure natural bitumen
  •  Bitumen blown
  •  Mixed bitumen
  •  Emulsion bitumen

There are different types of bitumen, each of which has its own different applications. More specifically, bitumen is a paste-shaped hydrocarbon compound of natural or refined origin. The use of emulsion bitumen has many benefits, including the reduction of environmental pollution. Another application of emulsion bitumen is its use in the field of cold asphalt in wet or insulating environments. One of the characteristics of bitumen is that it is solid at ambient temperature, but if the temperature increases, it becomes a paste and then liquefies. Many applications of bitumen are due to their adhesion and permeability to water.

Bulk production of bitumen in 2020

Bulk production of bitumen in 2020 The spread of coronavirus in China and its subsequent spread around the world has led to declining demand and consequently reduced bulk production of bitumen in 2020. There are different types of bitumen. Some types of bitumen in nature are obtained by the gradual conversion of crude oil and the evaporation of volatiles in crude oil. Such bitumen is called natural bitumen and it is more durable than refined bitumen. Natural bitumen has higher electrical resistance and lower density than the surrounding rocks. The use of these physical properties can indicate the location of bitumen reservoirs for geophysics commentators. Geoelectric and gravimetric methods are used for exploration and bitumen mining.

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