Premium bitumen Local Suppliers in 2020

premium bitumen is one of the most widely used products produced from crude oil. This hydrocarbon material has more than 250 different applications and is used in various industries to insulate and protect surfaces from moisture. There are two main types of bitumen used in road construction. If it is obtained from the mine, it is called natural or mineral bitumen, and if it is obtained from the refining of crude oil, it is called petroleum bitumen.

Premium bitumen Local Suppliers in 2020

What happens when bitumen is heated?

What happens when bitumen is heated? Bitumen, sometimes known as bitumen asphalt, is a black viscous oil mixture obtained from hydrocarbons naturally or as a residue from oil distillation. Bitumen is solid at ambient temperature but becomes a paste as the temperature rises and then liquefies. Usually, in order to stabilize the bitumen, it is used together with a sack called bitumen. Sack fibers act as a reinforcing bitumen and stabilize the bitumen in place.

The most important characteristics of bitumen that lead to its use in various fields include the following:

Soft point: is the temperature at which bitumen changes from solid to liquid. The higher the softening point of bitumen, the higher the temperature resistance of bitumen and the better its application in tropical regions. The lower the softening point of bitumen, the lower the temperature resistance of bitumen and the more it is used in temperate and cold regions.

Degree of penetration: is the same sensitivity of bitumen to temperature changes and thus the relative hardness of bitumen is measured. Bitumen with a higher degree of penetration are softer bitumen and are used in cold regions, and the lower the degree of penetration, the more uses of bitumen in tropical regions.

Ignition degree: The degree of ignition is the temperature at which if the bitumen reaches that temperature, the gases emitted from it ignite as the flame approaches and a flame is formed on the surface. The maximum temperature at which bitumen can be heated in the workshop must be less than the degree of ignition.

Ductility: If we draw a sample of bitumen with a cross-sectional area of ​​1 cm2 at a rate of 5 cm per minute, the amount of increase in sample length before rupture is called the ductility of the bitumen. largest bitumen suppliers export their product with the best quality.

Focal suppliers of bitumen in 2020

Focal suppliers of bitumen in 2020 Bitumen is a black to dark brown hydrocarbon material, which is used in moisture insulation and asphalt construction. Bitumen is an oil derivative and is often produced in oil refineries.

Iran is the largest producer of bitumen in the Middle East, which produces about 5 million tons of bitumen each year, which exports more than 3 million tons. bitumen demand from European companies is very high.

Factors affecting the price of bitumen:

Dollar and Rial prices: Because petroleum products are traded in dollars in world markets, the change in the price of dollars and rials has a great impact on the prices of petroleum products, including bitumen.

Transportation costs: Another influential factor is the transportation costs of bitumen.

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