Superb bitumen Focal suppliers

superb bitumen Bermuda – along the Gulf of Paria in Venezuela is removed from a 360-hectare swamp-like area with a depth of 0.6 to 2.7 meters, which is full of bitumen. When it comes out of the bitumen spring, it is a paste from which the gas rises and gradually hardens against the air.

The density of bitumen is 1.500, its softness is 51.5, its breaking degree is 4 to 1, and 90 to 98% of it is soluble in sulfur carbon. Bermuda bitumen contains 0.62 to 45.6% by weight of bodies that do not dissolve in sulfur carbon and have mineral bodies. Bitumen minerals are based on 0.5 to 3.65 percent of its weight. You can find out more about Superb bitumen Focal suppliers by visiting our site.

Superb bitumen Focal suppliers

What is natural bitumen?

What is natural bitumen?

Crude oil has been found to jump for a long time. The oldest bitumens mined are said to have been in the Jordan River Valley around the Dead Sea and Mosul. Most of the mineral bitumen consumed in the Americas and Western Europe came from the Trinidad and Bermuda mines. Is available.

In Iran, mineral bitumen is high. Several places in Kermanshah province (Patagh, Goshan and other places), Pishkuh and behind Lorestan mountain (Qiran section) and near the railway station of the country. It has been found near Bilesvar Moghan (Qira Darreh) and other places of Qir mine. One of the mines that has a lot of bitumen and the author has studied it is Behbahan mineral bitumen.

Petroleum bitumen is obtained by refining crude oil. Crude oil is a psychoactive black-brown substance, it is heated so that gasoline, oil and other oils jump and bitumen is left behind. From the refining of crude oil, the following products are obtained:


At temperatures up to 100 degrees, Light Gasolin


At a temperature of 100 to 160 degrees, Naphta oil solvent


At a temperature of 160 to 250 degrees, kerosene lamp oil


At a temperature of 250 to 360 degrees, Gas Oil


At temperatures above 360 ​​degrees, residual fuel residue


From heating over 380 degrees Fuel residue, Solid Bitumen


Mineral bitumen oils have jumped slowly over a very short period of time at low temperatures, with oxygen and sulfur at work, and the bitumen has been absorbed by the climate around the mine. Therefore, the stability of mineral bitumens in black roads and sealing coatings is higher than oil bitumens.


Petroleum bitumen is made by refining crude oil at high temperatures and very short times. Pure petroleum bitumen or bitumen is made in high heat and very short time.


Pure petroleum bitumen or bitumen is watery at high temperatures. Bitumen should not be given too much heat so that its mineral oils more or less jump and dry and lose their adhesion. For more information about bitumen temperature range you can ask our experts, just visit our site.

Local supplier of bitumen on the market

Local supplier of bitumen on the market

Waxed bitumen mining (petroleum wax or oily paraffin is a mineral that is more or less in petroleum bitumen) is not good for making black surfaces. Wax (paraffin) reduces the angiogenic property of bitumen, the higher the wax, the lower its angiogenic property. As the angiogenic property decreases, the black surface gradually loses its springy state and becomes brittle. The black surface shrinks in the cold, as soon as this stress increases from the tensile warp of the frozen asphalt surface, the surface cracks. The black procedure is better. It is not possible to remove all the paraffin from petroleum bitumen because part of the paraffin, which is crystalline, separates. But what is non-crystalline does not separate and in the bitumen remains a colloidal solution. Therefore, our collection is one of the Local suppliers of bitumen on the market, which offers this product to the market at a reasonable price.

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