Wholesale Bitumen suppliers in recent years

Bitumen as a derivative of crude oil is obtained after two-stage refining of crude oil in refineries and has high adhesion and impermeability. There are different types of bitumen, each of which has a specific application. The highest amount of bitumen consumption in the world is in road construction and 90% of the total bitumen produced in the world is used in road construction. To know the price of Wholesale Bitumen and buy types of bitumen with the best quality and the most appropriate price, you can refer to Wholesale Bitumen centers all over the country.

Wholesale Bitumen suppliers in recent years

What is the meaning of 80 100 Bitumen?

What is the meaning of 80 100 Bitumen? With the discovery and refining of crude oil and the production of petroleum derivatives such as bitumen from crude oil, it became possible to make extensive use of bitumen in road construction. In the late nineteenth century, the use of bitumen for road construction became popular. Bitumen-made asphalt today provides very smooth and safe roads for light and heavy vehicles and quality runways for landing and take-off of aircraft and even excellent rail infrastructure for trains. Solid bitumens are obtained directly from crude oil refining and are denoted by the acronym AC. Solid bitumens are named according to the degree of penetration and there are different types. Including:

  • 60/70
  •  85/100
  •  130/150
  •  180/200
  •  250/220
  •  280/320

Grade 80/100 bitumen is a standard bitumen and penetration bitumen, which is commonly known as road bitumen and has extraordinary properties for road construction and asphalt and road surface. This type of bitumen is mainly used in making hot asphalt mixtures. 80/100 bitumens are refinery bitumens obtained by distilling crude oil. These bitumens are classified based on the amount of penetration and the degree of softness, and the type of bitumen is expressed by the degree of penetration, so 80/100 bitumen has a degree of penetration of 80 to 100. Infiltrating bitumens have thermoplastic properties, this property causes the viscosity of bitumen to decrease at high temperature and the viscosity of bitumen to increase at low temperature. 80/100 bitumen is most used in the preparation of asphalt coatings.

Bulk supplier of bitumen in 2020

Bulk supplier of bitumen in 2020

What is the bitumen size of molecules? Bitumen is a black and pasty material that is widely used in insulation and asphalt construction. There are different types of bitumen, each of which has a specific application. Bitumen is a derivative of crude oil and is often produced in refineries using crude oil. Bitumen is a dense, highly viscous, high molecular weight hydrocarbon containing oil, resin, and asphaltene. The presence of 5 to 30% asphaltene in bitumen causes the bitumen to harden.

With the advancement of science and technology, bitumen has found a wide variety of applications in various industries and for different uses. This company is one of the largest Bulk suppliers of bitumen in 2020 in the country. The company has been able to achieve a good position in the domestic and foreign markets by selling the best quality bitumen. The company supplies various types of bitumen in metal barrels known as bitumen pit to domestic and foreign markets.

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