World class bitumen Domestic production in 2020

World class bitumen Domestic production in 2020 is provided through reputable agencies and the process of buying bitumen for export in Fidar Isfahan Production and Industrial Company is very simple and bitumen buyers can easily register their orders and place their customized shipment in the shortest possible time.

World class bitumen Domestic production in 2020

What bitumen looks like?

What bitumen looks like? Bitumen is a black, pasty material used in moisture insulation and asphalt construction. There are different types of bitumen, each of which has a specific application. Bitumen is a derivative of oil. Bitumen is a black to a dark brown hydrocarbon that is completely soluble in carbon sulfide and carbon tetrachloride. Bitumen is solid at ambient temperature. But as the temperature rises, it becomes a paste and then liquefies.

An important use of bitumen is due to the presence of two important properties of this material and the important use of bitumen is due to the presence of two important properties of this material, impermeability to water and high adhesion.

Due to these properties, the main use of bitumen in road construction and insulation. Bitumen is usually obtained by distilling crude oil. Such bitumen is called petroleum bitumen or distilled bitumen. Petroleum bitumen is the product of two stages of crude oil distillation in the distillation tower. In the first stage of distillation, light materials such as gasoline and propane are separated from crude oil.

However, some types of bitumen are obtained in nature due to the gradual conversion of crude oil and the evaporation of its volatiles over many years. Such bitumen is called natural bitumen and it is more durable than oil bitumens. 

Domestic demand for bitumen in 2020

Domestic demand for bitumen in 2020 Domestic demand for bitumen in 2020 is very high and if you are a buyer of bitumen for export and you want to buy bitumen from Iran, Fidar Company is ready to cooperate with you, dear buyer. To speed up the process of buying bitumen for export, you can follow the following steps. By visiting the collection of websites of Finder Group, you can get the necessary information about the available bitumen grades.

Read the specifications of different types of bitumen packaging, including export barrel bitumen, play bag, and choose the type of packaging you want. In order to inquire about the price or receive more information about the selected products, you can contact our partners in the sales department via email, phone, or contact page, our partners will respond to your inquiries as soon as possible. After receiving the price details, you can buy bitumen for export and bitumen company distributes the best type of bitumen and bitumen price list 2020 is very optimal

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